Sunday 2 May 2010

Dan's Destiny

This is it. My animation for Adv Animation.

As a reminder for anyone who doesn't know the story Dan is waiting for a phone call to find out if he got the job he wants.

He also now holds the record for endurance thumb-twiddling.

Monday 26 April 2010

Demo/playthrough idea for concept showcase

A demo/playthrough idea I had for showcasing our groups concept work (all work belongs to Tern TV)

Character Designs: Alan Morris

Audio: John Stevens

Welcome to Vine

Here's a log-in idea for VINE for my Personal Project.

Pretty chuffed with this, purely because I figured out how to do it by myself in Maya, without a tutorial.

Go me!

The audio was created by John Stevens

Thursday 22 April 2010

Dan - More animation, better quality render

Here's an updated video of my Dan animation. I've added some more animation on the end but the main reason for the upload is the quality's better. Feel free to fast forward the reading bit at the start if you've already seen it.

Monday 19 April 2010

Dan - Opening 10 seconds

First 10 seconds or so of my animation with Dan.
He's such a geek.

Monday 15 March 2010

Who likes short shorts?

Firstly, apologies for radio silence again recently. I've been without internet for a few weeks having moved house and all. Anyhoo, updates!

Here's Dan and he is wearing short shorts. I'll see what my peers think and will likely make the shorts a bit longer but we'll see how it goes.

I've just recently discovered the RampShader in the Hypershade menu in Maya, pretty nifty. I plan to look into its finer points soon such as its controls for specular levels, incandescence etc.

Barring a few tweaks to the mesh here and there, my firm plan is to be animating before the end of this week. So rigging and skinning awaits. Going to be a fun week.

Thursday 11 February 2010

Personal Project

Hey guys, just thought I'd fire up a quick update of renders for my Personal Project module:

Twa Suns - a cafe/pub, going to improve the textures

Big Ben - the first landmark of an environment full of landmarks that I'm working on