Thursday, 11 February 2010

Personal Project

Hey guys, just thought I'd fire up a quick update of renders for my Personal Project module:

Twa Suns - a cafe/pub, going to improve the textures

Big Ben - the first landmark of an environment full of landmarks that I'm working on

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Persuasive Narrative

Another new module is Persuasive Narrative, where we have to create either a documentary, an advert or a public information film.

I've volunteered my services to my uncle, Ian Cain, to create an advert for his fire alarm/burglar alarm company IC Fire and Security -

Going to keep it informative and in tune with the website to help extend his brand.

Advanced Animation

I've not decided yet whether to carry on with my Glen idea from Adv. Visualisation last semester or to start fresh.

The new idea I have is Dan:

Dan is waiting on a phonecall which will decide whether he gets the job he is wanting or not.

I think I'm likely going to run with the Dan idea because I fancy working on a new character.

Frank runthrough

Here's the animatic I created for the Hole-in-the-Wall, Frank idea last semester

Forgive me Blogger, I have sinned

It's been 8 weeks since my last submission on this here blog. My bad.

A combination of focussing on getting my submissions in for Uni and plenty over-consumption over the holidays are just a couple of my excuses.

Thankfully, the last couple of months haven't been a waste of time with the biggest change being that I have started teaching 3D modelling and animation at Dundee College.
While it was initially daunting and is still taking a bit of getting used to, I'm really enjoying it, especially after the first pay cheque. The last couple of weeks have been a big confidence boost, mainly when I showed the students a UV mapping technique and was greeted with surprised/impressed faces. Could get used to that feeling.

Most importantly though, seeing coursework from the tutor point of view is definitely improving how I am as a student. I'm not saying I've become a strict boresome academic, god no. I'm just starting to appreciate how important some stages of the creative processes are is all, which is only a good thing.

Anyways, another recent update: last week's visit to Tern TV's studio in Glasgow.
It was pretty eye-opening and definitely gave me the kick up the backside I've been needing. After seeing a few of their current exciting projects, Operation Get A Job In The Industry is officially under way.

I'll keep you posted, as long as I remember to keep posting.